Are you looking for Fairy Tale Activities for Speech Therapy? I’ve put together a set of easy activities that are perfect for a Fairy Tale theme! Amazon affiliate links are included throughout this post.
I love using fairy tales in the speech room throughout the year! They are a wonderful way to teach story grammar elements and work on concepts such as character progression, different perspectives, comparing and contrasting, conflict resolution, and cause and effect.

Fairy Tale Books for Speech Therapy
Fairy Tale Books are just my favorite! They can cover so many topics, moral lessons, and creative imagination! If you’re looking for general fairy tale books (classic or twisted versions), check out this post HERE. I also have posts specific to Dragon Books and Three Little Pigs!
Fairy Tale Dramatic Play
I LOVE incorporating dramatic play into speech therapy. One of the questions I get asked the most during my seminars on dramatic play is if I use it with older (upper elementary) students, and my answer is HECK YEAH! My fourth and fifth graders LOVE dramatic play, and many of my colleagues use my dramatic play sets with their middle school students as well! Kids have such limited opportunities for creative free play these days, especially in school. SLPs have a unique opportunity to target pretty much every goal imaginable with dramatic play, and the kids don’t even know they’re working! One of my favorite ways to target story retell is through dramatic play, simply by having the students act out the story! You can use costumes, make your own props, or just use the students without anything extra! It’s SUPER easy to make a Paper Bag Princess costume….you just need a paper grocery sack for little kids, and butcher paper for bigger ones!

Fairy Tale Language Activities
I love using Fairy Tales to target story elements, comprehension, sequencing, fiction vs. nonfiction, opinion vs fact, comparing and contrasting, describing, vocabulary, and more! I especially love using Twisted Fairy Tales to compare and contrast with the original versions and target differing perspectives. You can find an entire bundle of Twisted Fairy Tales HERE.
If you’re doing Three Little Pigs, you may want to check out the Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf companion HERE.
The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark is a new adorable book that your students will LOVE! This companion includes color, black and white, AND Boom Card activities!
One of my favorite books to do for a fairy tale theme is the Paper Bag Princess! It has such an unexpected ending that my students always find hilarious (and a good moral to the story, too!) There are two companions available for this book:
The first companion has activities in color for printing and laminating, and some black and white pages for send home practice, too.
The second companion is completely no prep, so all you have to do is print and GO!
Finally, I have a few freebies available for the book There Was An Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight! This boom card version is free for everyone. Students can “feed” the dragon the items as you read the story.
In addition, I have an exclusive freebie mini companion that goes with There Was An Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight! Readers on my email list have access to a Free Resource Library with tons of freebies you can find anywhere else! Not on the list? Click HERE to hop on so you can snag this freebie and and lots of other great freebies, too!
Fairy Tale Articulation Activities
Did you know that you can carry over themes into speech articulation too? These Feed the Dragon Boom Cards are so fun…..and perfect for practicing or progress monitoring initial sounds in words!
Easy Fairy Tale Crafts
Crafts are so fun and engaging, but they still need to be quick, low-prep, and most importantly, functional! These quick dragon and magic wand crafts check all of those boxes!! If I’m doing a craft, I like to have the pieces pre-prepped. This helps with time, and ensures we get to finish the craft while also targeting our goals.
These dragons are adorable, easy, and go along with so many different books! Use toilet paper roles (or cut paper towel roles in half). Paint or color them whatever color you’d like your dragon to be. Tip: If there is painting involved, I only use Kwik Stix. They color like a crayon but are the fastest drying paint (we’re talking like 30 seconds). They’re 1000% the way to go! Use strips of construction paper or tissue paper for the fire, pom poms for the eyes and nostrils, and googly eyes. *Note: Hot glue works best for gluing on the pom poms and googly eyes, so I help them glue those so they don’t burn themselves.

For the magic wands, just cut out white stars and glue to a popsicle stick. You can paint or color the popsicle stick too, and then use whatever you have in the craft bin for the students to decorate their wands. Pom poms, stickers, sticky gems, curling ribbon….anything goes!

Fairy Tale Games & Manipulatives
I LOVE getting to incorporate themed games into my lessons, as they increase engagement and bring the theme to life! You can find the Three Little Pigs game HERE, the Fairy Tales game HERE, and the Pretty Pretty Princess game HERE. (Note: This is a Sleeping Beauty Special Edition version of Pretty Pretty Princess, that is no longer available, but there are several editions out there, and they all work the same!)

Additional Free Fairy Tale Activities for Speech Therapy
Need more? Here are some free Fairy Tale activities for speech therapy by other teacher authors:
Fairytale Build a Scene by Blowing Babbles
Speech Therapy Craft: Pop Up Dragons and Princesses, by Texas Speech Mom
Dragon Vocabulary Words, by Speech Room News
I hope this helps you with your planning for Fairy Tale activities for speech therapy! Fairy Tales are so fun! What other fairy tale activities do you use? If you’re looking for more Fairy Tale ideas, be sure to check out the following posts:
Looking for other fairy tale themed books and activities? Check out these additional posts:
Fairy Tale Books for Speech Therapy
Three Little Pigs Activities for Speech Therapy
Three Little Pigs Books for Speech Therapy
Using Twisted Fairy Tales in Speech Therapy
Dragon Books for Speech Therapy