Disclaimers and TOU
Hey y’all!
I’m so glad you’ve
found my blog! The following is information isn’t necessarily the fun stuff,
but it’s necessary. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me
via email under the “Contact Me” heading at the top of the home page.
I blog because I
enjoy it. It’s a therapeutic outlet for me, and it keeps my creative juices
flowing. Plus, it enables me to talk about one of my favorite subjects: Speech
& Language Pathology, without boring my husband. The information I write
about is meant to share activities for Speech/Language Pathologists, SPED
teachers, or General Education classroom teachers to use in their therapy or
classrooms. You will also find a great deal of activities and resources for
parents who wish to supplement their child’s learning or therapy at home. The information
on this blog is not, in any way, meant to replace actual therapy or an actual
evaluation performed by an ACTUAL ASHA
certified Speech & Language Pathologist or licensed teacher. If you are a
parent or teacher who has concerns relating to speech and language development
for a particular child or children, please seek out consultation and/or a
comprehensive evaluation from an ASHA certified Speech & Language
Pathologist. You can find local SLPs from ASHA’s website at www.asha.org.
The therapy materials,
activities, crafts, information, products, websites, and apps mentioned in the
blog are to be used as tools in conjunction with speech therapy only. They are
not intended to replace speech therapy and should not be used in lieu of speech
therapy services. It is up to each professional to determine what therapy tools
are applicable to the therapy process of each individual student/patient. In
some cases, some therapy tools do not apply to that patient/student. Therefore,
all content from my posts should be read and used at the discretion of the
Speech & Language Pathologist. Parents and other caregivers should discuss
with your child’s SLP which specific activities your child would benefit from
at home.
This is my
personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own and not those of my
employer (former, current, or future) or of the university I attended.
Copyright Information
I spend a lot of
time blogging and creating materials/activities because it makes me happy.
Sharing with others making me happy too. You are welcome to use any of my
ideas, freebies, activities, ideas, or my blog “button” as long as you give me
credit and provide clickable links back to this blog. Please do not steal my
items and distribute or sell as your own. Feel free to link to my materials or
blog posts in your own blog, website, or social media accounts. You may not
use photos from my blog without written permission. You may pin images
directly from my blog using the “pin me” button that appears when you hover
over a picture (hint…it’s
a sunshine). You may not re-post any part of my blogs without written
permission. When in doubt, just email me.
You may not provide
direct downloads of my paid products OR FREEBIES on your website or blog. You may link to my blog or my TpT store, but
you may not host direct downloads from your website.
Creative Commons License
My blog is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United
States License.
Let’s Talk with
Whitneyslp is written and edited by me (Whitney Smith). I (Whitney Smith) or
the blog (Let’s Talk with Whitneyslp) does not accept any form of sponsorship
or paid topics. I do and will accept free products, services, travel, event
tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations. However,
the compensation received does not and will not influence my opinions in any
way. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third
party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid
Whitney Smith is an active participant in the Amazon
Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to
provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking
to Amazon.com.
Additional Information
I (Whitney Smith) or Let’s Talk with Whitneyslp, will never sell your email address or other personal information.
are times in which I blog about other things besides Speech Pathology (hence my
tagline, A Little Speech, A Little Life, and A Lot of Love). The same terms and
conditions apply to these topics, activities, images, and content. I give
credit where credit is due. Please do the same.
love when readers comment after my posts. Respectable disagreements or
differences of opinions are also okay. However, I reserve the right to remove
any comment that is hurtful, rude, disparaging, or inaccurate.
Now that that’s all done, read, explore, comment, and most of all, enjoy!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love when readers
comment after my posts. However, I reserve the right to remove any comment that
is disparaging, hurtful, rude, or inaccurate.
Whew….now that that’s
all done, read, explore, comment, and most of all, enjoy! Thanks so much for
stopping by!
found my blog! The following is information isn’t necessarily the fun stuff,
but it’s necessary. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me
via email under the “Contact Me” heading at the top of the home page.
enjoy it. It’s a therapeutic outlet for me, and it keeps my creative juices
flowing. Plus, it enables me to talk about one of my favorite subjects: Speech
& Language Pathology, without boring my husband. The information I write
about is meant to share activities for Speech/Language Pathologists, SPED
teachers, or General Education classroom teachers to use in their therapy or
classrooms. You will also find a great deal of activities and resources for
parents who wish to supplement their child’s learning or therapy at home. The information
on this blog is not, in any way, meant to replace actual therapy or an actual
evaluation performed by an ACTUAL ASHA
certified Speech & Language Pathologist or licensed teacher. If you are a
parent or teacher who has concerns relating to speech and language development
for a particular child or children, please seek out consultation and/or a
comprehensive evaluation from an ASHA certified Speech & Language
Pathologist. You can find local SLPs from ASHA’s website at www.asha.org.
activities, crafts, information, products, websites, and apps mentioned in the
blog are to be used as tools in conjunction with speech therapy only. They are
not intended to replace speech therapy and should not be used in lieu of speech
therapy services. It is up to each professional to determine what therapy tools
are applicable to the therapy process of each individual student/patient. In
some cases, some therapy tools do not apply to that patient/student. Therefore,
all content from my posts should be read and used at the discretion of the
Speech & Language Pathologist. Parents and other caregivers should discuss
with your child’s SLP which specific activities your child would benefit from
at home.
personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own and not those of my
employer (former, current, or future) or of the university I attended.
time blogging and creating materials/activities because it makes me happy.
Sharing with others making me happy too. You are welcome to use any of my
ideas, freebies, activities, ideas, or my blog “button” as long as you give me
credit and provide clickable links back to this blog. Please do not steal my
items and distribute or sell as your own. Feel free to link to my materials or
blog posts in your own blog, website, or social media accounts. You may not
use photos from my blog without written permission. You may pin images
directly from my blog using the “pin me” button that appears when you hover
over a picture (hint…it’s
a sunshine). You may not re-post any part of my blogs without written
permission. When in doubt, just email me.
direct downloads of my paid products OR FREEBIES on your website or blog. You may link to my blog or my TpT store, but
you may not host direct downloads from your website.
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United
States License.
Whitneyslp is written and edited by me (Whitney Smith). I (Whitney Smith) or
the blog (Let’s Talk with Whitneyslp) does not accept any form of sponsorship
or paid topics. I do and will accept free products, services, travel, event
tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations. However,
the compensation received does not and will not influence my opinions in any
way. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third
party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid
Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to
provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking
to Amazon.com.
are times in which I blog about other things besides Speech Pathology (hence my
tagline, A Little Speech, A Little Life, and A Lot of Love). The same terms and
conditions apply to these topics, activities, images, and content. I give
credit where credit is due. Please do the same.
love when readers comment after my posts. Respectable disagreements or
differences of opinions are also okay. However, I reserve the right to remove
any comment that is hurtful, rude, disparaging, or inaccurate.
Now that that’s all done, read, explore, comment, and most of all, enjoy!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
comment after my posts. However, I reserve the right to remove any comment that
is disparaging, hurtful, rude, or inaccurate.
all done, read, explore, comment, and most of all, enjoy! Thanks so much for
stopping by!