Welcome friends!
I’ve had “start a blog” on my to-do list for quite some time, and thankfully with summer break underway, I’m now getting to it. For those of you who know me and those other Type-A SLP’s out there, you know that to-do lists are a crucial part of my life. I’ll even admit that sometimes I write things on my list that I’ve already done, just so I can cross them off! (OK, my co-workers refer to this as OCD-SLP).
Anyway, my vision of this blog is to help connect very important people in the journey to student success-Teachers, Therapists, and of course, Parents. Often times, the student may be “getting it” in my little bitty therapy room, but as soon as they walk out of my door, they “forget.” We are so busy these days, that often times the creative, fun side of education gets left out. I want this to be a place where we can share easy, inexpensive, and time-friendly activities to bring the fun back into learning. My hope is that what you find on this blog, and more importantly, what you are able to share, will help aid in the collaboration of everyone involved in education, so we can work together for the best needs of our students!
Thank you for choosing to follow along as I bring you “a little speech, a little life, and a lot of love!
Start A Blog!