Today has been a super busy and super fun (but also super educational) Friday! Pre-K came to school dressed in their costumes and went trick-or-treating throughout the school, and everyone is excited about the upcoming weekend festivities! We also made Ghost Toast in Speech Therapy!
My Pre-K and Kindergarten Autism classes have been working on Halloween vocabulary, and it just so happened their letter of the week is “G.” So we’ve been talking a lot about GHOSTS! Today, we read Ten Timid Ghosts, by Jennifer O’Connell, and made Ghost Toast to go along with the story. We described ghosts by what they look like (white with black eyes), what they sound like (ooooohhhh and BOO), and what they taste, smell, and feel like as toast!
Making Ghost Toast is really easy, and the kids loved it. Best of all, it’s yummy!
How to Make Ghost Toast:
Just get bread, marshmallow fluff, chocolate chips (or raisins), plastic knives, and a pair of scissors. Cut the ghost shape out with clean scissors before you toast the bread. (Note, I just cut out a shape with scissors instead of using a cookie cutter-it’s easier, and you waste less bread.) Then lightly toast the bread in a toaster or toaster oven.
Then have the students spread the marshmallow fluff on top of the bread.
Add chocolate chips (or raisins) for the face!
Viola! You have adorable (and yummy) ghost toast!
Have you ever made Ghost Toast in Speech Therapy? If not, do you think you’ll try it?